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February 2021 Newsletter

Letter From the Principal

Dear MAE Families,

February is an exciting month for us at MAE! Not only does it mark the start of our second semester, it includes our Valentine’s Day Celebrations and our 100th Day of School! With all of the uncertainty we began this school year with, all three are extra special events to celebrate.

The learning we do in the second semester of our school year is vital to your student’s success. In addition to arriving each and every day on time with a mask and charged device, please ensure your child is completing all homework each night. Also, please ensure your child is reading at home as much as possible. Please contact us if you have any questions about your child’s reading level, progress on report card skills, or if you need additional ideas for learning at home.

I want to thank our entire school community once again for your continued support. Even though it has been a challenge at times for us all, we are so thankful for the opportunity to be in school with your students. As we move into the second semester, please know that we are committed to doing whatever we can to make the remainder of the 20-21 school year an AMAZING one for your child.


Melissa Philley


The first week of sales was great! We are halfway to our goal of $40,000!!

Congratulations to our donut party winners: Groves, Davis, and Upton.

You are all aMAEzing!!

Please continue to sell raffle tickets this week for a chance to win a $4,000 Disney Travel Voucher and the help of Jennifer Wooten and Magnolia Travel Group.


Please send in Valentine’s early to allow those items to rest a few days before others come in contact with them. Also, we can only use and pass out small, pre-packaged treats that can be easily sanitized.


Have you purchased your yearbook?

No extras will be ordered, so click HERE to purchase yours today!


Box Tops for Education - Due February 19th

Make every receipt count!

Watch the video below to learn how your digital receipts can become credit for MAE.








you can send pictures of your children at home without their masks on if you'd like.


we encourage you to send any classroom photos you may have throughout the year.

Please upload your pictures to our website or email to


Upcoming Events

Feb. 1 – 5

School Counselor Appreciation Week

Feb. 9

100th Day of School

Feb. 12

Class Valentine parties

Feb. 15

Distance Learning

Feb. 19

Box Tops Due

2nd Grade Market Day

Feb. 22

Spring Raffle drawing

Feb. 26

Dr. Seuss Day

Mar. 1

PTO Meeting

Mar. 9

Spirit Night at Baskin Robbins

Mar. 12

March Teacher Luncheon

Mar. 15 – 19

Spring Break

Mar. 30

AR – 3rd quarter cut-off




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