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March Newsletter

Dear MAE Family,

As we wrap up our 3rd 9 weeks of instruction, I want to thank each of you for your continued support. Our spring fundraiser was a great success, and I am thankful to serve a school community that supports and values arts-integration. Because of your support, we are able to continue our school-wide art programming.

I also want to thank each family for making daily attendance a priority. Thank you for arriving on time each morning as well. We begin our Number Corner first thing each morning. This fun and engaging school-wide routine is having a big impact on our students’ number sense, and we need each child at MAE to benefit from this instruction.

Report cards will be sent home Thursday, March 19th. Please look on the front of the report card for your child’s BAS (reading level). The minimum expectation for K students at this time of year is level B. The minimum expectation for 1st grade at this time of year is level H. The minimum expectation for 2nd grade at this time of year is level L. If your child is below this level or if they have not mastered at least 80% of the skills on the inside of the report card, you will receive an at-risk letter inside your report card. This letter informs you of any concerns and allows you to write in a day and time you would like to come in for a parent-teacher conference. Our goal is to work together during the 4th 9 weeks to close any instructional gaps for all of our students.

Thank you again for all of your extra efforts at home. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us.


Melissa Philley

MAE is Where the HEART is!



Upcoming Events

March 6th - March Teacher Luncheon

March 9-13th - Spring Break; NO School

March 19th - AR 3rd Secret Event

March 26th - Class Picture Day

April 1st - Kindergarten Registration

April 2nd - Arts on the Avenue

April 6 - April PTO Meeting @ 110:30am

April 10-13th - Easter Holidays; NO School


Visit our website for a list of upcoming events!

Like Madison Avenue Elementary PTO on Facebook for updates, information and glances into life at MAE!

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